the longing...

Thursday, June 21, 2007
「 the longing. 10:05 AM 」

changed my blog layout...haha dunno if its better than before, but i think i need a bit of brightening. anyway, theres only a few days left till mid year starts. damn...y does this june holidays seem so short?


Wednesday, June 13, 2007
「 the longing. 10:26 PM 」

finally actually did some serious studying, but actually then again it might not have been as "serious" as i wanted lol. but i kinda have this weird thought. it goes,"omgwtfbbqpawnownage. im actually starting to like studying. geez."


Monday, June 11, 2007
「 the longing. 5:03 PM 」

half of the holidays had already passed, how much work have i done? not much. how crap is that?