Sunday, October 27, 2013
so many things that u said that i have just closed an eye or jus let it pass but this time it has really went over the limit. simply because i said i have given up doesnt mean u can say such things especially given your circumstances. how would u feel if u broke up just to see that u have been replaced by ur good friend
Saturday, October 26, 2013
should i vie for that, long for that, given that it could be just something that could just be a repetition of what had happened before? i should start managing it before it starts truly affecting me.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
dont feel like doing my projects so ta-da im here.
even thou i do not want to admit it, i realise that im motivated to go school each time for just one reason especially when i do not have classes...seems like it is affecting me more than i would really want it. just have to wait for time to decide how it all plays out...
Sunday, October 13, 2013
so much work to do but procrastination is high at hand as I rather be doing anything else besides my work. I am really too lazy. Oh well i try to comfort myself that everyone does it. Maybe I should start blogging once in awhile again to destress since theres some things that I would rather put here than put in on fb.
First of all, Im praying really hard for that email/call tomorrow.
Second, seeing you again tomorrow I shall be determined to seriously forget you. especially after seeing how much you care about even bothering to reply me. i dun care if u do that to all guys but i just cant take it. the conversation on the phone still lies since the week before when i asked u and as i expected, no reply ever came back. how do u think i would have felt about it. I have enough with non replies or suddenly breaks in online/phone conversations without any continuation after that. shows how much respect there is for the other party...once or twice is fine, but repeatedly? seriously? even if its someone i dun really like i wouldnt do the same...